Sunday, June 11, 2006

"June" update

Is it really June? No seriously, yesterday I wore a sweater and if I'm being honest, it is taking everything in me NOT to turn on the heat. It has been in the 50/60 degree range the last few days. The good thing is it has forced me to pack, because there are really no alternative outdoor options. The bad's cold! I grew up in upstate New York so I usually do NOT complain about any of our odd weather patterns, but this is really bizarre. Oh well. It looks like 70s this week and almost 80 next weekend.
The biggest news this month is that we have not moved yet. They weren't kidding when they said this was a slow process. We made our offer on April 17th. It was accepted on the 18th, and we completed our mortgage application on April 26th, which was when we first learned we would never close by our target date, May 25th. No biggie. So we shot for June 16th. And on Thursday we learned that also was not possible. So the new target is June 26th, a Monday. I'm not going to get too anxious. The nice thing about this elusive closing date is that it presents no pressure whatsoever for packing.
It's amazing what you accumulate in just 3 years. Our new place doesn't have a basement so we've been a little bit more discerning in what goes and what stays. We still have about 30 boxes already marked for the attic...and I think I have an idea why. I'm pretty sure Brian is going to be a full fledged packrat. I found an old box of stuff from my 'childhood' know, my 3rd grade year book, the poem I wrote for my best friend in 3rd grade, and all of my medals from my Optimist Club speech contests (don't ask). I FINALLY found it in me to let go of some of this stuff, which I had not seen since we moved in here 3 years ago, and Brian pretty much insisted that I keep it all. This coming from the guy who caused two full boxes to be labeled "Sentimental T-Shirts." Yes, T-shirts. So I think we're pretty much destined to become pack rats. Don't get me wrong, we've filled a few trash bins and made 3 deliveries to Salvation Army so far, but we'll still have our hands full on moving day...whenever that is. Gotta go pack.


At 6/12/2006 7:55 AM, Blogger Jon Wise said...

Hey guys, I don't know what you're talking about! This blog isn't that bad -- I love the Mexico pictures!


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