Monday, October 30, 2006

Sweet Success

I have been up early 3 out of the last 4 work days...considering that it is 12:02 right now, I highly doubt this trend will continue. However, I will continue to pursue this pipe dream of relaxed, enjoyable mornings, when I walk downstairs lured by the smell of my coffee, then sit and read while I enjoy it, eventually getting ready for work and arriving cool, calm and collected, and 3 minutes early...

Daylight savings helped a little (totally forgot about that by the way) but I must say I was very depressed when I left work at 5 and found that the sunlight was rapidly fading. Of course, I turned to the receptionist as I left and gave her a puzzled look and a disappointing sigh. Why do we do that in the NorthEast? Like it was her fault that the sun was setting! And why are we always surprised when we go outside and it is cold? I have lived in the Northeast my entire life, and I still get goosebumps if the wind blows when its under 30. I also refuse to wear a warm jacket until it is below 10 degrees. I will wear my light fall jacket because it is cuter, and my stupidity masquerading as resilience will make me feel like a seasoned New Yorker, for whom wind chill is no factor. Lies. All lies.

Seriously, the whole "it's so cold" thing is getting old, even to me, and I am the one doing it. It is cold here. We should move. Not just talk about it every time we get back from vacation...we should actually move. But we won't, because for some reason we like the pain and sorrow that accompanies our frigid 6+ months per year. We will continue to complain about outrageous heating bills, chapped lips, dry skin, snowstorms, wind chill, days with barely 8 hours of sunlight, static cling, Seasonal Affective Disorder, snow tires, and general COLDNESS because we are New Yorkers, and that is what we do...I heart NY.


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