Notice to New Yorkers: This is not a blizzard

Today it took me about 50 minutes to get to work--double the usual time. In fact, it took my 15 minutes just to get from exit 13N halfway to exit 12. A car had spun off the road causing the delay. It was a Toyota Tundra. Then things progressed slowly at about 15 mph as I approached exit 10, where a Ford Explorer had done the same. All of us little cars drove by in wonder and amazement. Gee, guess they hit a really bad spot that EVERYONE ELSE ON THE ROAD seemed to avoid. NO! Not the case. How hard is it to drive with some small amount of caution?! This isn't even bad weather people, this is nothing!
What's amazing to me is that on days of far more inclimate weather than today, my drive will not take nearly as long despite worse driving conditions. Which brings me back to my original point. Upstate New Yorkers become idiots during the first snowfall of every year. They forget how to drive in even the smallest amount of snow, and I get to work very, very late. If I can do it in my 15 pound Mazda Protege with all-season tires nearing the end of their short life, you can do it to. In the words of the wise C-Diddy (that's for you Mary) "Play it safe, Play it smart."
Ha! It's true in Ontario too -- it's not just New Yorkers. I get this mental image of people in their cars screaming something like Homer Simpson: "AH! Snow!!" and then cranking the wheel in random directions until the drive off the road, totally confused about what just happened...
I don't think C-diddy has ever had a spin out! Words to live by :) meob
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