Eat at Friendly's, Save a Life

Ok so maybe he didn't save his LIFE but he definitely saved the kid a trip to the emergency room...that would have been one heck of a headache...or minor concussion. It was kind of wierd. The kid just kind of looked up at Brian, then he sat back in the booth, and I'm pretty sure the kid's mom was laughing ?@#(*&?!
So about 20 minutes later we're sitting in the booth and I'm like...shouldn't she at least come over and say "thanks for saving my kid from a lifetime of minor brain damage" or something? I didn't really sense that she cared too much. And about 10 minutes after that, the kid walks over with this big yellow balloon tied to his arm, stares up at the four of us, and quietly asks "Which one of you saved me?" It might of been the cutest thing I ever saw...or the funniest. So he gave Brian a Friendly's giftcard and we took his picture and history was made. Fun times.
And the moral of the story is, if I hadn't let Brian hold the door for me when we walked into Friendly's, I would have been in the kid's path instead of Brian when he came flying into the walkway, and I would be a hero today. Either that, or my slow reflexes would have resulted in a child with no short term memory, and an entirely different story. Probably better that it was Brian!
My hero! *swoon*
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