Happy Halloween!
This weekend, Brian and I were doing our usual Saturday thing...very little...and the doorbell rang. We immediately looked at each other in horror. Who could it be? We weren't expecting anyone. Were we in trouble? Had something gone wrong...or, oh no, it couldn't be...does one of our neighbors want to TALK to us? (I promise this story has to do with Halloween, sit tight)I peeked out from the top of the stairs as quickly as I could so that I wouldn't be seen, therefore having an obligation to answer the door. It was a little boy, selling something I assumed. So I went back to whatever it was I was doing and Brian said "who was it" and I just said "fundraiser" non-chalantly. Brian responded by looking at me in horror, and all of a sudden I felt like the most horrible person on earth. It was like 30 degrees with a significant windchill and after this puzzling interaction between Brian and I, the kid was still standing at the door. Then I was horrified because I realized that my overall selfishness and general dislike towards children (both of which I deceive myself into thinking Brian has not discovered in 3+ years of marriage) had been unearthed through my response.
So I ran down the stairs planning to tell the kid I had no money. Unfortunately, while this would usually be true, it would have been a blatant lie. Not only did I have cash, I had change. I was his jackpot for the day. I opened the door and he just stared up and mumbled something about the boy scouts and popcorn, and my swift, stealth response was..."let me go get my purse." Then I realized that not only was the kid cold, the cold air was quickly filling my foyer since he had shimmied himself into position propping the storm door open, so I told him he could come in. Apparently that's like the worst thing you can do when a kid is fundraising. Although I could see his parent standing at the end of the driveway (and he could see me) the well trained boy scout responded very matter of factly "I'm not allowed." Oops, strike one. I better order a lot of popcorn.
So although I had change I didn't have the RIGHT change so I ended up paying more than the grossly inflated fundraising price for my little tin of unpopped kernels. I noticed he had been staring at something in my foyer while I was filling out the form, and I thought, "oh, how cute, the cold boy scout likes the lamp and painting of Venice I bought at Marshalls." No, no, he was staring at the large mound of Reeses' Peanut Butter Cups on the table just about 10 feet from where he was standing...10 feet into the forbidden territory of the neighbor's house. So before he left (although questioning the rules about boy scouts taking candy from strangers) I offered him one and he, again in a monotone voice, responded "yes please" without so much as looking up.
Much to my surprise, the second he turned around, he made eye contact with his dad at the end of the street and, while he ran, held over his head his victorious prize...no, not the $10, but the Reeses' Peanut Butter Cup. I will not head into a discourse of a child's economy, but let's just say he valued the 5 seconds of enjoyment he would get from eating it much more than the victory of the successful sales pitch (and what a pitch it was).
All that to say this: I am so, so excited for Halloween tonight! I know that this will get old and I will probably sit at home as still as possible in the dark next year (and possibly disconnect my doorbell) but this is our first year having trick or treaters! Since I made the mistake of putting the candy out this past weekend (and it mysteriously disappeared), I just picked up about 5 bags worth of pure sugar to lure greedy children with. I can see it now, Brian and I open the door all anxious and both hand them candy, asking each one who they are, how they made their costume, and telling them how scary/pretty/cool/strong/spiderman-like their costumes are...and then their parents hurrying them away saying something about the "wierd new people" on the block. Aaaaaaaaaah...it will be beautiful!
Blog War: 300+ word posts every day for the rest of the week. First one to miss loses... not sure the criteria for winning.
perhaps in your excitement for our very first trick or treaters you spilled all the candy while passing it out to them...just perhaps.
Oh the joy of your first Halloween as a homeowner. Jenn and I were so excited that we dressed up in costumes to answer the door. We both ran to the door for every beckoning ring. For the first few trick or treaters, I was so excited that I would put a handful of candy into each bag. Needless to say that our bowl was half empty after 30 minutes. We had to dip into our reserves which were supposed to be for us to eat while watching tv on the couch maintaining our post-marriage weight gain.
"anonymous" (good job with that) - I think I lost the war
Brian - sssssssssh you're blowing my cover!
Steve - sounds familiar. you guys are hilarious. I did the same thing and we totally ran out. Unfortunately we had no reserves, hence the Fall Party Cakes.
Caroline - wierd is one of those words I consistently spell wrong. Sue me. We can't all be SUPER SPELLERS!
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