Well, I have been blogging intermittently since January now and more consistently in the last couple of months. While I still consider myself a novice, I was thinking about what I consider blogworthy. Because I am slightly obsessive-compulsive (ok, VERY obsessive compulsive) it is impossible for me to answer this question without first considering the larger question: Why do I blog? Here are my personal reasons:- I don't journal (although I wish I did) so this blog is creating a little bit of a virtual archive of my life for me.
- I like the idea that someone is actually reading this. Although there may only be a handful of you out there (hi mom!), know when you close your eyes at night that you made me feel good when you said "Hey, I saw your blog." Having always aspired to publish someday, every time someone reads my blog, it's a large mini-victory for me.
- I have come to enjoy blogging a lot. I think its because I enjoy writing and have lost almost every platform in which to do so (I do not count writing research papers or e-mail as actual "writing").
- I am obsessed with pictures and, like love and food, I believe that pictures are better when shared.
- Communication...this blog was started as a platform for Brian and I to communicate with friends and keep them posted (pun completely intended) on what's going on with us. Although it has evolved into a hobby for me, I still consider these updates as one of the key functions of our blog.
So considering the above, below is a very haphazardly constructed list of what I consider blogworthy:
- Current Events- we will always blog about what's going on with the Howes.
- Pictures - we will continue to post an exorbitant amount of pictures and sleep peacefully at night knowing that we have subjected our friends and family to these large virtual albums.
- Things that are funny
- Things that are unusual/ironic
- Things I have on my mind that day, that I happen to care about (like why I blog)
- Things I find interesting that someone else may find useful or interesting as well
- Useful information - although very little (if anything) on our blog thus far falls into this category, be assured that if we ever come across any information that would benefit you in some way, we will blog it up.
That was fun. I wonder which category this one falls into.
Hey Libby!
Stumbled across this report on bloggers in my morning blogroll today. I think you'll find you're in the same company as the rest of the blogosphere, and not really that "novice"
Incidentally, both your posts and Brian's (it's easy to tell who writes each post) are interesting, but I think you're a born blogger. You're addicted already -- and you've got a great writing style that's very fun to read. And the pair of you are definately interesting enough to read about. Speaking of which, one of you should blog about the first-time-home-buying experience for those of us yet to go on that adventure...
PS: Story about blogging. Some guy who's name I don't know, although I recognized him from Vertical and very much appreciated his work in setting up and cleaning up, came up to me on Sunday and said "I thought you were in Canada this weekend." I automatically responded by saying "oh that was last weekend" before I wondered how he even knew that about me. Then he tells me he reads my blog.
I can get a general idea of how many visitors I get, and roughly where they're coming from, but it always surprises and delights me when someone, who I assume is barely aware of my existance, follows my blog. It's occasionally a disadvantage when they know more about me than I about them, but it's still cool that even though I'm not the most outgoing person in the world, I can still communicate with people. And plus, I totally agree, it's a bit of a ego boost to be "published" -- even if it's only on a blog.
As a general rule, I've found that for every 1 person who posts a comment there are about 10 silent readers. I'd wager you've got more readers than you think.
Fixed link ...stupid blogger
PS: Here's an article that backs up my 1-in-10 theory...
Jon, thanks for all the encouragement! I told Brian you are my blogging mentor. haha.
OK. So I love to read your blog but would never even consider writing my own. I love the stories, the pictures and the way that you "dote" on my baby (Brian). As long as you keep writing, I will be your number one blogger reader!!! (???)
Love you,
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