Monday, July 24, 2006

Props due

Well, the big move was a huge success and Brian and I have a lot of props to give out, so I will jump right in:

God: First things first. And actually we should take this back and say there is no way we would even be in our house if it wasn't for God. He really does do exceedingly abundantly more than we could ask or think, and this has been a perfect example. With regard to moving, He was certainly working our favor. The average temp over the last 2 weeks or so has probably been about 90 degrees with a lot of % humidity. But somehow the 2 days we were moving and working it dropped down below 80 and rained so it was refreshing and cool. And although moving in the rain is never ideal, the rain just "happened to" slow down when we needed it to. Coincidence? I think not.

The Erndt Fam: What would we do without the Erndt fam? Walt showed himself to be a seasoned moving helper, jumping right in and doing things he knew we needed done without waiting for us to ask. All day I saw him grabbing random things (many of which I had put off packing), packing them up, labeling them (I heart labels), putting them in peoples' cars until they were full and then I'm pretty sure he emptied like 6 cars by himself too! Thank you Walt!
Val took care of all my fragiles, most notably the 12 place settings of very expensive Lenox china that was under our bed (I know, it's ridiculous but don't tell Brian that I admitted it). More importantly, she helped keep me under control b/c I was a ball of stress, and would just stand around and say "what do I do?" Thank you Val!
Jeremy was in rare form on Saturday. Not only did he wake up at 7:30, he was extremely chipper and was even found rapping on numerous occasions during the day. He even sustained a minor injury after slipping down the back stairs, but got his game face back on, and didn't even complain when all I had to bandage it was a paper towel and some packing tape (his game face may have expired when he took the tape off and lost the majority of the hair on his arm, but I made sure I wasn't around for that). Thanks Jer!

Chad: Chad was a stellar helper all day long, even though we know that some of his efforts can attributed to alterior motives - the fact that Chad is moving in about 8 weeks and his furniture is much bigger and heavier than ours! Not to mention he has a lot more stuff. But seriously, I knew all along that Chad would be an asset on moving day. He in fact drove the UHaul when it was filled with all of our earthly belongings, and even backed it in to astoundingly close to our front door, clearing the gutter by about 1/2 inch. Well done Chad, well done. (Sidenote: This weekend I learned that Chad used to drive a mail truck, and it was the worst job he ever had.)

Jon: Usually you can only ask people to help you move if you know that you have been friends for long enough to subject them to such a horror, or if you have a significant amount of favors to cash in. Jon however did not fit into either of these categories. Jon volunteered to help us move. We're not sure why yet, but we hung out with him and his wife last night so I'm pretty sure he still wants to be friends with us. In all seriousness, Brian and I couldn't be happier that Jon and Nic are our friends. They're just the kind of people that want to jump in and help because they're genuinely kind and they genuinely love people, and want to serve God by serving others. Very cool. We are glad that they have chosen to work out their desire to serve in ways that directly benefit us, like working with Northway Student Ministries and helping us move. Thanks guys! (I must note that Jon is also my unoficcial blogging mentor. His website rocks and someday I hope my website is 1/16th as cool as his.)

Dave: Dave was the surprise mover in the crew; I didn't know he was coming but I am glad he did. Not only did he sing/rap throughout the majority of the day, keeping my attitude all cheery and the like, he also contributed very significantly to the successful moving of one rather large piece of furniture. I don't even care that his significant contribution was realizing that if only the wall would "give" a little, the couch would clear the angle and make it's way out the door (note poltically correct language that interprets: there is a large hole in that wall now). All that matters is that our little couch made it safely home (anyone who was there is probably laughing...nothing about that couch is "little").

Will: Let's just start by saying, we love Will! He gave us his Saturday even though he was supposed to be bringing chickens to the Saratoga County Fair or something like that (did you know there are chickens that lay green eggs??? Will taught me this). All he asked of us was one chocolate milk, which we gladly supplied, and he helped us all day! It is a treat when you get to hang out with the students at your church, an even bigger treat when they're generally awesome, like Will, and an EVEN bigger treat when they're willing to give up their Saturday to help you out. Thanks Will!

I'm sure I'm missing some people, like the nice lady at Dunkin Donuts who made 8 bacon, egg, and cheese bagels in about 3 minutes (perhaps that should make me nervous?!), but the point is, we could not have moved all of our earthly belongings with no (major) breakage or (major) injuries in less than 5 hours without some help from our friends. Thank you!


At 7/24/2006 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian and Libby,
Youth pastor's and their wives have a special place in our hearts. You guys have a great ministry at Northway and we're priviledged to be a part of it. In whatever ways we're able, and with whatever resources God gives us, we've got your backs.

At 7/24/2006 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...that said, if I never have to get a couch that big down stairs that small again, it'll be too soon!! ;o)

At 8/08/2006 2:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel it was my duty and my obligation to service you guys and help with your big move. however i failed and i didnt even show up. i knew you guys could do it without me and i feel like i made the right move and by staying here, relaxing, and not doing anything to help. however i will be up to visit soon and enjoy the new crib that everyone except for me helped you with. cant wait.
p.s. libby. even though i didnt help you are still my favorite sister in law. and next time i might help. and by the way...the jon and nic comment really makes me look bad as i read it right now. ouch. jon and nic rock.


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