Fall Party Cakes

a short story by Libby Howe
Twas the night of Halloween and all through Deer Run
The children were preparing for a night of fun
Mrs. Howe was excited to hand out sweet treats
To all of the children who came down the streets.
She'd shopped for the candy, and was anxious (you could tell)
Then waited to hear it...the ringing doorbell.
A half an hour passed but no children came by
Then finally at six her first visitor arrived!
In overexcitement she rushed to the door
to see not one child, but alas, there were four!
Brian laughed at her when she spilled all the candy
He said she was nervous but she said "shut up! I'm just overexcited".....?
They kept on arriving, in a steady flow
and around 6:30 Libby said, "Oh no!
We're almost out of candy, how could this be?
Brian, go to the store and get more candy for me!"
Ten minutes passed, but Brian was no where in sight
The candy was low, and she feared there'd be a fight.
Then the door opened to Brian's loud shout
"There is no more candy! All of the stores are out."
"No worries," he said, "I thought long and hard
before putting 50 candy bars on our credit card.
On the gas station shelves next to drugs for headaches
there were boxes of Little Debbie Fall Party Cakes!"
She stared at this man, in wonder and fear
Would he really bring those Little Debbie Cakes here?
But his story was true and this was the only option
Would trick or treaters accept this strange cooking concoction?
When the first children came, she offered the treat
And what a surprise her fall snack cakes did meet.
Their eyes lit up and they all screamed "Hooray!
Mr. Howe has done it! He saved the day!"
And over and over they came to the door
saying"We love these cakes, can we please have some more?"
We began to run low and I turned to Brian,
"I need another solution, you must keep on tryin!"
He stood up victoriously and said "do not fear"
To the garage he went, saying "I think we have cans of pepsi in here"
She wanted to question but had already learned.
I tried to question him once, but it seems I got burned.
When they came once again, we shyly made the offer.
Would the Pepsi be met with thanks, or with a scoffer?
They loved the Pepsi! It was quenching their thirst!
The Howes were so happy they thought they would burst.
So kids, don't forget that on Halloween Night
Even when you run out of candy, have no fright.
Just give what you can, because all that matters.
Is that next year, all the kids know that the Howes are the best halloween candy/cake/soda giver-outers.
The End.
Click here to watch the short independent film entitled "Fall Party Cakes."
OH MAN! That was awesome! Poetry AND a video... I don't know how I'm going to top that...
it's true. maybe you can blog, but I got mad rhymes.
wow, you are REALLY busy at work. no wonder we are being sold... m
you really think I wrote that in one morning? Hello, that was a work of art, requiring forethought and TIME. I write at night and post during strategic time periods. Hater
girl, you do got mad rhymes!! That was actually amazing...i laughed outloud!
Hope that you all are doing well! I posted some more pics of Jackson on our blog if you wanna check them out! THanks for the laughs! :)
OK. You never cease to amaze me. That was great...the poem I mean. Now the video - That's another story!!Had to share it with my ladies in Sunday School and others of course. Glad to see you had a great time and lots of fun memories.
I believe I must have doubted your gifts as a blogger. I mean to be honest I know nothing about blogging, nor have I made an effort to discover it. I thought that it was just some friendly notes letting everyone know about the Howe fam North...interestingly enough its not! It's basically the greatest thing I've come upon and I believe I will be stopping by more often! lol...KUDOS to you Mrs. Libby...mad props yo...fo sho...um and that video of Brian? hilarious...laughing out loud...thinking I might pee myself if he did a little dance maybe? but I didn't no worries...WOW...
<3 Jahbee
Mom Howe - I'm glad the Sunday School ladies like our blog!
Jahbee - I'm glad I can entertain you :) Now you have to start a blog!!!!!!!!
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