Back in the USA
Here are some things I learned in Mexico
1. Our resort was overbooked...we got upgraded to a better one -
sometimes it feels like we totally miss out on something however it's just God's way of saying "just chill cause I am about to hook you up"... 2. We had a great time on vaction with the Cahill's -
good friends are hard to find...couple friends are harder to find - and Libby and I are very blessed. 3. One night Libby and I goofed around and ran on the beach and pushed each other in the ocean-
after 3 years of marriage I still have a crush on Libby and she on me... viva la Mexico...
Libby and I are finishing packing up and leaving for NYC to catch our plane for Cancun tomorrow morning...As of about an hour ago we werent going due to a lack of birth certificates...long story but it had a happy ending as I found them in a bag Libby had brought to Montreal this past summer. No more more stress...just us, the Cahills and a bunch of sand and ocean....and some great Mexican food! See ya in a week...
Its fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A
New Years has come and gone and Libby and I are holding strong to our resolution of going to the gym consistently. I believe I heard once that if you do something for 21 days it will become a habit and we are both just a few days from forming a very good habit...Libby has found her niche attending a wide array of fitness for me the Elliptical Machine has become both me and my knee's best friend. The YMCA may have steered away from some of its Christian influences but I tell you what, it has been good for our souls and spirits...

Pics from our 06 Christmas card

And another from our Christmas card - note that Libby's eyes are rarely open in pictures
Look, we have a blog
Well, since we're horrible with keeping in touch in general, but, believe it or not, do want to keep people in touch with our lives, we have decided we need a blogspot of our own. Our own small corner of cyberspace, if you will. So hopefully we'll eventually keep all sorts of info here about what's new, what's old, or maybe just what's on our minds. Either way, welcome to our blog :)