Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Anyways, up until college, Fab Four-ing was largely characterized by road trips in Nikki's convertible, sleepovers at my house, making lots of videos (which we continue to do, for our own entertainment) and generally embarassing ourselves in public. We all went our separate ways for college, and shortly thereafter I found myself following Kelly to Cedarville University for school, where we were together for a couple of years, and just a few hours' drive from Colleen (which came in handy when her now husband and her had a temporary break up and Kelly woke me up at 11 pm because we needed to drive to Indiana to see Colleen...all the while assuring me that I would be back for my 8 am class that next morning ?!?!).
Anyways, Fab Four ties don't break easily, and in the last 3 years, all four of the lovely ladies pictured were bridesmaids in eachothers' weddings. Although none of us would admit it, I think this was partially an effort to have an annual opportunity for us to all get dressed up, have a sleepover, dance, and embarass ourselves in public, much like we did in the days of our youth (like when Kelly and Colleen persuaded random guys, who I probably could not pick out of a line up now, to take other Fab Four members to their prom, since we went to different high schools). Anyways, this was the first year no one was getting married, and sometime this spring we realized that this summer held no Fab Four reunion. Perish the thought.
We quickly arranged a Fab Four Fun weekend at my new house, and Brian and I closed and moved in just in time for it. I won't bore you with the details (HA! like any of it was boring) but let's just say that I feel like we went back in time a little bit...the upstairs of my house reminded me of our cabin when we used to go to summer camp products, clothes and accessories strewn about and all of us trying eachother's clothes on. The weekend was pretty much a constant conversation from Friday night until Monday afternoon; I couldn't have asked for a better reunion!
When they left I found myself wondering why it is that when we get together, its like we're 15 again; like no time has passed and we all have no worries in life; like nothing has changed in the world and it pretty much revolves around whatever we might be doing at that particular moment. I have concluded that there is something unique that binds me and my girls. First of all, you just can't replace a history like that...15-20 years of hilarious memories, heartbreaks, setbacks and victories, all shared with the friends we love so much. I also realized that these girls are truly a rare breed. They are unparallelled in terms of how hilarious they are (hilarious to the power of 4 when we're all together), and all of the fun is balanced with great intelligence and sincere hearts for God.
I have been blessed with a lot of great friends at every walk of life, and I'm so glad that God has let me have these girls throughout my walks of life...I love you girls...FAB FOUR FOREVER! WE ARE YOUNG AND YOU ARE OLD...WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT?
1) Who is that HOT redhead?!
2) I had such a great time with you ladies. We do have something very special that I have been unable to replicate. I love you, Fab Four!
3) Libby, I hope you've washed your kitchen utensils...
We are so darn cute I can't even take it. I love you girls so much and can't wait to see you again. Lib- I put your post on my xanga b/c I've wanted to write about the weekend but haven't had a chance to. :)
I love you girls too! This post doesn't do the weekend justice but who caaaaaes. Fun times. Love you guys! ps - kel how can I find your xanga?
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